Saturday, 14 July 2012

Top Seven Maternity Photo Ideas and Tips

Once you start looking, you will find that there is no end to maternity photo ideas.  Unfortunately, a good number of the ideas you will receive are just plain bad.  Your third trimester is not the time to go in for a sexy lingerie shoot—not for the vast majority of us pregnant gals anyway, who feel like giant walking incubators by that point.  Similarly, nude photos of almost any kind are usually outside of our comfort zone—regardless of what Demi Moore did to change our feelings about our pregnant bodies.

So what are some good ideas?  Here are some of the best maternity photo ideas we’ve heard, in no particular order:

Black and White Photos: Classic black and white photos have a way of making everything feel far more artistic and transcendent.  When you are pregnant, you don’t necessarily want to have every skin blemish showing.  A few well-captured black and white photos of you with your big tummy can be a great way of celebrating the miracle of birth.

Share the Love: A good way of both making yourself comfortable and commemorating the love that will soon bring your little one into the world, is to include your husband or lover in the pictures with you.  Nothing compliments a swollen belly better than the big strong hands of your lover.  In addition, it will also help the soon to be dead to continue to feel included.  As the big day nears, hubbies tend to feel more and more ignored.  This is one way to help remind him of how important he is in this whole process.

Invite Mother Nature: One of the best maternity photo ideas is to include Mother Nature.  Pregnancy is such a natural process.  Many women never feel as connected to the world and to the beauty of the natural processes of the world as when they are pregnant.  So why not have Mother Nature in the picture.  Take some pictures in a grassy field or at the beach with the sunset in the background and the rolling waves at your feet.

Your Peaceful Place
: Take pictures in your own peaceful place.  We all have that place where we go when want to feel most at peace, be it a coffee shop or under a tree in the park.  Go there and do whatever you normally do there—read a book, or just sit and think about the baby and let the photos capture your thoughts in the expression.

All in the Family: Maternity photos don’t need to be just about you and baby.  If you have a big close knit family why not let them all into the picture with you.  After all, if there is ever a time when you feel as if you are part a long tradition it is when you are pregnant.  So invite mom, dad, your brother, your sister, your nephews, nieces, and even your precious kids and let them all have their moments with the rump.

In Water:  If you are the confident type, a good place to take pictures is in a pool or bathtub.  Many interesting and artistic shots can be taken with the water creating the artistic drama.

In Bed:  You tend to be spending a lot of time there anyway in the third trimester, so why not put on some new downy soft sheets, and try some shots there.  This is one of the best maternity photo ideas because the comfort of the bed is often enough to put you at ease and allow you to relax (perhaps with hubby).  The soft and warm feeling will make you feel like you two are in a womb of love.

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